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Premiado por los mejores analistas

Auriculares Únicos

Al igual que las huellas dactilares, la veta de la madera es única, por lo que cada par de auriculares Meze es único. Te encantará cómo se sienten en tus manos. Construcción robusta y montaje preciso. Los auriculares están hechos con vetas de madera con acabado satinado. Póntelos, siéntate y disfruta de tu sonido favorito de cuerdas pulsadas, ritmos optimistas o ritmos contundentes sin dejar de lucir elegante.

Sonido Premium diseñado por los que saben


Sonido Premium diseñado por los que saben

Inner Fidelity

“I have a very hard time thinking of a headphone I’ve had more fun listening to; the urge to bop my head and tap my toes was irresistible at time.” Leer más

HiFi plus

“"The Meze 99 is an unexpected joy. It has a sensational musical performance, even when played with very humble audio equipment, and is comfortable enough to allow the listener to spend many hours at a stretch in the company of the Meze 99 without a care."”

Inner Fidelity

“I have a very hard time thinking of a headphone I’ve had more fun listening to; the urge to bop my head and tap my toes was irresistible at time.” Leer más

HiFi plus

“"The Meze 99 is an unexpected joy. It has a sensational musical performance, even when played with very humble audio equipment, and is comfortable enough to allow the listener to spend many hours at a stretch in the company of the Meze 99 without a care."”

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Suspendisse vitae morbi ultrices mi fusce nulla maecenas semper tellus.

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