Nuestro equipo comparte sus canciones favoritas del mes; ideales para probar tu sistema de audio estéreo. Podrás encontrar diferentes géneros que de seguro te van a encantar. ¡Esperamos que la disfruten!
What’s playing at Audio Elite?
Our team shares their favorite songs for the month; ideal for testing your stereo audio system. You will be able to find different genres that you will surely love. We hope you enjoy it!
Escúchala en tu plataforma favorita 👇🏻
La Sal No Sala Charly García La Hija de la Lágrima
Everybody Loves The Sunshine Takuya Kuroda, José James Rising Son
Places And Spaces Donald Byrd Places And Spaces
Chapter 7 (Feat. Ty) Ezra Collective, Ty Chapter 7
This Here (Live) The Cannonball Adderley Quintet Cannonball Adderley Quintet In San Francisco (Remastered – Keepnews Collection)
Overture (Bus) Daniel Blumberg The Brutalist (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Dreamer (Live at the Hollywood Bowl) Laufey, Los Angeles Philharmonic A Night at the Symphony (Live at the Hollywood Bowl)
Ma quale idea Pino D’Angiò … Balla!
My Life Noriko Miyamoto Push
23 Rejjie Snow, Caroline Smith Dear Annie
Use Me Vanessa Fernandez Use Me
Dreamer (Live at the Hollywood Bowl) Bobby Solo, Massimo Faraò Trio Napoli!
Soul Sista Bilal 1st Born Second
Paradis Perdus Christine and the Queens Chaleur Humaine.